Tags: europe (8 bookmarks)

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  1. This report analyzes different policy paths (including both flood-prevention measures and risk-sharing financial provisions) in the presence of major uncertainties regarding flash flood risk in Vienna, Austria.
  2. Blog being used to gather input for European Development Days.
  3. Conference 'to promote the sharing of initiatives, the identification of best practices and the cooperation in the areas of education, training and public awareness'.
  4. "The Report examines the effects of climate change on small businesses in the UK through research with many businesses operating in high risk areas some of whom have direct experience of severe weather events."
  5. Article detailing results of audit of disaster management funds in 256 municipalities in Bulgaria.
  6. Site that provides an overview of flood risk in the UK and the role of the DCLG and local governments in addressing that risk and describes a new draft planning policy for flood risk, PPS25.
  7. Disaster vulnerability and capacity assessment in Albania to study community perceptions of disasters, their impact and local capacities to withstand, respond to and cope with disasters. The study was undertaken collaboratively by the Red Cross and UNDP.


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