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  1. 08-01-2010 to , by mpetal
  2. Vulnerability has long been a key concept in disaster literature. However, the majority of studies have focused on research related to the hazard, therefore neglecting the influence of the vulnerability of exposed systems to the consequences of such hazards, such as the death toll and losses from natural or man made disasters. There is also a need to better identify and measure the ability of ‘at risk’ and affected communities and territorial systems to respond to such disasters. This is the starting point of the ENSURE project.
  3. The Community Assessment of Resilience Tool (CART) includes a survey and protocol. It provides a multiphase assessment and process with community members or service sector representatives who wish to enhance their community’s resilience and strengthen their community’s capacity to respond to current or potential disasters.
  4. Disaster vulnerability and capacity assessment in Albania to study community perceptions of disasters, their impact and local capacities to withstand, respond to and cope with disasters. The study was undertaken collaboratively by the Red Cross and UNDP.


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